Silas Marner Readalong

The Cauld Blast (1876) by Joshua Hargrave Mann

Our Silas Marner by George Eliot readalong begins in April! We will be reading the entire book from April 1 to April 30. You can read it online for free at Project Gutenberg, get it for free on Kindle, or purchase it wherever.


This is a much shorter read than Jane Eyre. I’ll be posting a couple of times a week here. Let me know if you’ll be blogging anywhere!

The discussion hashtag will be: #Ravelong (from the book’s setting, the village of Raveloe). Do the reading, join the conversation, ask questions or write posts, as you will! Join us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or whatever social media you desire.

Reading Schedule

By April 7th, you should have chapters 1-5 read.

By April 14th, you should have chapters 6-10 read.

By April 21st, you should have chapters 11-15 read.

By April 30th, you should have chapters 16-Conclusion read.


Author: bahnree

just a simple girl trying to read my way through the universe

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